Cozy Up – Sleep Meditation


Are you getting trouble sleeping? A common cause of sleeplessness may be the constant pre-occupation with the worries and problems from your daily life. This usually happens because most people are inclined to think about their problems, fears, and concerns at night time.

Sleep meditation is a guided meditation designed specifically to help people fall asleep faster and get more restful sleep. As a relaxation technique, it can quiet the mind, relieve stress and anxiety, and bring you into a calm and peaceful state of mind.

This is a downloadable digital product with a life-time access. Please check the confirmation email to download the three mp3 guided meditations.



Sleep meditation may help you achieve a deep and restful sleep. As a relaxation technique, it can quiet the mind, relieve stress and anxiety, and bring you into a calm and peaceful state of mind. As a result you may improve the quality of your sleep and wake up refreshed, and well rested. This series is composed of three guided sleep meditations:
  • Restful Sleep Relaxation
  • Immersing Your Awareness in the Breath
  • Body Relaxation for Sleep